A new email marketing comic, centered around the end user receiving a marketing email. Remember, you have 4 seconds before…
email comic
Figuring out what email is – XKCD email comic
Today’s email comic is from one of my favorite webcomics: XKCD. It’s a very nerdy, techy, philosophical webcomic run by…
Attention span of a goldfish – email comic
“You have the attention span of a goldfish” is sometimes used for people who can’t keep focused on something. This…
Did you get my email? Email comic
Because your inbox, work or personal, is -your- inbox, you sometimes feel like certain emails from certain people don’t belong…
Email comic: we must be on a mailing list
Have you ever had the feeling your email address had landed on the ‘wrong’ mailing list? These guys in this…
Email comic: Why phishing scams and spam still works
If you wonder why phishing scams and spam still work, Scott Adams recently posted a Dilbert comic that explains it…
Email comic: entrepreneur fail – established tech company
Here’s an email comic from entrepreneur fail. Have you ever come across a very serious sounding (tech) company and came…
Email comic: urgent in subject line? Let's not
Using urgent in subject line? Let’s not, ok? As some of you may know, I’m a big fan of Dilbert…
Email comic: heartbeat vs incoming email
Have you been overloaded with email lately? Does your inbox look more like 5,296 unread messages than inbox zero? The…
Email comic: XKCD – file transfer
Have you ever struggled getting some files from A to B? This email comic by XKCD shows the many ways you…