Lead Generation Card from Twitter: from tweet to email signup

Social can’t live without email, and the newly announced Lead Generation Card from Twitter shows some email love. This is one way Twitter is hoping to generate more revenue from marketers wanting to build long lasting relationships with their followers. After all, a tweet has quite a short lifespan compared to an email. Marketers will want to make sure people are connected to their brand in as many ways as possible (and as they want): this new development will facilitate cross channel subscriptions.

Lead Generation Card: how does it work?

The Lead Generation Card works just like the other Twitter Cards. It is meant for marketers to let people subscribe to their email marketing programs. Here’s an example:
That button you see saying ‘Join the club’ can be customized to your liking. When someone expands the tweet, his email information is already filled in: all that is needed for him to sign up is to click the button.

Lead Generation Card: what’s the response so far?

Twitter has been testing out the feature with a few clients. In this case New Relic, Full Sail and Priceline. Twitter notes that the response has been positive so far. A quote from the announcement:

Additionally, many beta participants found the streamlined nature of the Lead Generation Card was instrumental in driving a low cost-per-lead compared to other technologies in their marketing suite.

Lead Generation Card: when will it be available?

For now, it will only be availble to Twitter’s managed clients. However, they note that they want to launch it globally and for SMB’s soon.
This new form of Twitter advertising reminds me of the Google SERP direct email subscribe feature. We reported on that back in December 2011. It has similar functionality as in letting the people subscribe to your email campaigns directly, without having to visit your website or a separate form page.
As with all email subscriptions, good list management will be important in this case. Not knowing later on where and when people signed up can hurt your business. For instance, if you’re trying to segment or send out special deals, and people receive something they haven’t asked for: that won’t be appreciated.
Source: Twitter Advertising

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