Email security is the theme of the latest update on the official Gmail blog. Your messages are now even more secure with HTTPS-only. In this case, Gmail will not only have HTTPS-sessions: emails that are moved internally are secure too. HTTPS has been available since the launch of Gmail, but since 2010 it was on by default.
Not just email security doing well at Gmail: availability is also a top priority
Next to email security, availability is also addressed in the blog update. Gmail engineers managed to reach an impressive platform availability of 99.978%. In user terms, this means users had less than 2 hours of service disruption for an entire year!
Gmail keeps on getting better and better, except the fact that for the email marketing industry, their caching of images (see images now showing on the Gmail blog) has meant a headache or two. Opens can still be measured, but for marketers using real-time content it’s a difficult time. Let’s hope Google will either find a solution to solve all of the issues, either by a rollback of their image caching service, or by resolving it another way.
In any case, Gmail is a webmail client service to keep an eye on, especially as it hit 10% of market share. This is according to the latest numbers from Litmus: read more about email client market share on their blog here.