Email clients as cars – a comparison part 2

After the huge success of the previous post (see here if you haven’t seen it yet), here’s the second installment of email clients as cars. There were some clients (mostly less well known) that were left out, so this is where they get their comparison.
7. Lotus Notes
Yes, it’s here: the one client you wanted compared to a car. Someone suggested a horse carriage as Outlook 2007/2010 was compared to a Ford Model T, but it still has to be a car. Ok, so what car is used by a small but persistent percentage of the community, but is a drag to use or develop stuff for?
It’s the Reliant Robin, the three-wheeler! Even the Model T had four…

Be sure to watch this video of Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson ‘driving’ one.. sort of.

8. Outlook 2003
Outlook 2003 is one of my all time favourite email clients, I must confess. Simple, fast, easy to make some nice email designs for and never lets you down. The car?
A Honda Civic Type R!

9. Mozilla Thunderbird
For those of you who don’t know, Thunderbird is the Firefox of email clients, coming out of the Mozilla stable. Quite feature rich, open source and a pleasure to use. For power users there are lots of addons to tailor it to specific wants and needs. The car:
A tuned Volkswagen Golf:

10. Eudora
Eudora is, like Outlook 2003, an email client from yesteryear: these days it is being offered as open source and looks quite pretty.
Being a bit more obscure than a Volkswagen Golf, I opted for a Lancia Delta:

11. Entourage (Outlook for Mac)
Ahh Entourage. The deal between Microsoft and Apple to deliver an email client. See a bit of history here. What happens when a couple of manufacturers join up and make a fun little product? This little bugger! (Teaming up with Citroën (C1) and Peugeot (107))

12. Aol Webmail
AOL Webmail is used by many (USA) people these days, but some people don’t really take the people with an address seriously. Here you go:
A Pontiac Aztek!

13. Android
Android, Google’s mobile platform, has a client of its own. Simple, lightweight, effective and focussed on using GMail (allowing however Hotmail, Yahoo and other email accounts). Because of its simpleness many people adapt to using it fast. A Fiesta!

14. Windows Mail (TECFKNAOutlookExpress)
Yes, The Email Client Formerly Known As Outlook Express still exists. It’s called Windows Mail these days, and sees much less use than its grandpa. No thanks to not being included in Windows 7, too. Being Outlook’s little brother does put less of a burden on an email client though: not much pressure to perform. A Smart Roadster!

So there you have it. 14 email clients compared to cars. If you have your own ideas which car an email client, let us know in the comments or on the social networks!


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