I hope Easter was fun for everyone: I’ve seen quite some nice emails coming in, like this one. Furthermore it seems the industry is really getting to grips with mobile/touch and how to design emails for those new shiny platforms. Read on below:
Email designs / webmail clients / browsers
GMail: sending email in the background
Mediapost Email Insider: The next wave affecting email design
MailingManager: how to design emails for touch
ExactTarget: changes to GMail and Hotmail
Sips of Copy: video and your email newsletter
Deliverability / (anti) spam / security / law
MarketingWeek: Nuisance email marketers face 500,000 pound fine
Mailchannels: Botnet spam rankings: holding steady
Barnes & Noble: promoting full featured email in Nook email (via Stylecampaign)
Other email marketing news and posts
Benchmarkemail: How to punch above your weight class
ClickZ: The renaissance of email
Social media vs email vs …
eMarketer: Are consumers interested in finding deals on social sites?
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