Google Analytics Guide: a periodic table

Jeff Sauer has posted a nice Google Analytics guide over at his website. The guide is made in the form of a periodic table. The four different types involved are product, metrics, reports and features.
For those of you who have already been using the service for a while, this Google Analytics guide will be a nice wake up call. You might not use all features, metrics or reports that are available. With that, you could miss out on valuable data from visitors or clients on your website. If you have had the opportunity to use Google Analytics Premium, you should already be able to get the most out of it. However, a fresh reminder of things never hurts, right?
Also, any conversion measuring / boosting features like advanced segments, attribution modeling as well as content experiments will help in making data work for you. Next to that, the new Universal Analytics will broaden your horizon. It will help in tracking beyond your regular website, as well as defining custom dimensions and metrics.
Here’s the table:
The Google Analytics guide is very useful for those of you who already use the tracking service, but don’t yet use it to its fullest potential. The full Google Analytics guide contains a description below the periodic table of every aspect. Things like bounce rate, intelligence events and demographics are described.
The printable PDF is definitely recommended as a download and printout: just in case you were forgetting something setting up your new Google Analytics account, or simply want to learn about more aspects of Google Analytics. Once you understand its true power, Google Analytics will deliver all the necessary key performance indicators in the metrics department. After all, you want your website to be succesful of course. Why not use the tools available to the fullest, so you can make sure you squeeze every little bit of useful information out of the data availble.
Again, here’s the link to the guide.

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