Gmail phishing alert! A new Gmail phishing technique has been discovered. The way the hackers work is by the following…
16 million German email addresses stolen, including passwords
The BBC has reported no less than 16 million German email addresses stolen, and account passwords stolen as well by hackers.…
Gmail account hacks in Iran, Google warns
Rising hacking activity in Iran have led Google to warn of Gmail account hacks. Leading up to the elections, Eric…
To prevent phishing scams, banks are collecting special TLD domains
Scammers will have a harder time trying to do phishing: banks are picking up new type top level domain names…
Return Path and Symantec join forces to fight phishing
Return Path is expanding their anti-phishing solution via an agreement with Symantec. The agreement includes the use of Symantec’s Trusted…
Email Brand Monitor: new brand intelligence product by Return Path
Return Path has announced their new brand intelligence product called Email Brand Monitor yesterday. The Email Brand Monitor product is…
Return Path launches ISP anti-phishing program with AOL,Yahoo and others
Return Path, the email marketing certification and reputation monitoring company, has launched a new ISPs anti-phishing program together with a…
Return Path hit by phishing attack
Return Path has noted on their In The Know blog late last week that they’ve been hit by a phishing…