Litmus email client stats: 53% opens on mobile, Outlook drops 33%

Litmus has posted an updated to their email client stats. The company tracks all email opens on their platform on all email clients and devices. They have been doing so over the course of the past 4 years. Posting several email client stats including details on the drop of Outlook, a new article on their blog outlines the overall email opens trend over 2014.
First up are the environments mobile, desktop and webmail:
The rise of mobile over the course of 4 years is undeniable, as is (logically) the decline of desktop. However, since late 2013 webmail has made a comeback, making up 30% of all opens in late 2014. This comeback may be due to changes at Gmail, which is why an adjusted email client stats overview for 2014 has been posted:
With the adjusted numbers, end-of-year scores are: 53% opens via mobile, 25% via webmail and 22% on desktop. Quite a difference from 4 years ago when it was 8% mobile, 30% webmail and 58% desktop. In just a few years, mobile has taken the clear lead in the email landscape when it comes to environments.
About those platforms: which ones lead within the mobile environment? Here’s the email client stats on that:
While sales of Android devices have outnumbered iOS-based devices in the past year, it’s not (yet) the case in mobile email opens. APple leads the game with the iPhone at 28%, the iPad at 13% and Android at 7% as of December 2014.
While this may seem odd, don’t forget that the Gmail changes (which is the default client / email account on Android) affected Android – those opens are now noted as Gmail webmail opens.
Looking at the specific email clients across the board, the Apple iPhone leads with 28%, Gmail behind it at 16% and the iPad third with 12%.
Here’s the top ten email clients of 2014:
Naturally, your own experience with email opens by your audience may vary from the above top ten. The sample size was quite big though: no less than 12 billion emails sent in 2014 were included in the report.
You can read the full article with more details and other stats on the Litmus blog.

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