Fusion Marketing Experience event: speakers group photo

As the other post of day 2 cannot be updated anymore (but is still available here to read), I’m posting the group shot here separately. Names below the picture 🙂 Tnx all for a great time!

The speakers at Fusion Marketing Experience. At the rear from left to right: Bryan Eisenberg, Jamie Notter, Olivier Blanchard, Lee Odden, Jim Lenskold and Rien vd Bosch from the event org. Front row from the left: Kath Pay, Tamara Gielen, Kristin Zhivago, Jean-Paul de Clerck from event organization, and event moderator Gianfranco Cuzziol.

Click the image for a larger version. I hope you’ll enjoy your gift from J-P, I know I’ll have to hide it from my girlfriend!
Until next time,


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