Exactly two years ago I started Emailblog.eu to have a personal email marketing blog in English. I was already writing for a Dutch version of the blog back then, but I felt an international version was needed. The past year went by fast: I can remember the previous celebration when Emailblog.eu turned 1 like it was yesterday.
The number: 243.
Writing about email marketing, be it news, insights, designs or anything else is what I like to do. Including this post there has been a total of 243 posts published since the start on August 31st, 2010: quite a number if I say so myself – I’m surprised about how much it all is! A recent highlight has been the email marketing design week back in early July. See all the posts that were part of that here.
Evolution and challenges of email marketing so far
The developments in the world of email in general, and email marketing specifically, have been rampant. Be it the introduction of Outlook.com as replacement for Hotmail, the upcoming magic of HTML5 or whatnot: we’re in the fast lane.
Best of all, in recent news are the attempts several have made to make email go away. Be it with a new platform or system, completely turning it off or saying social media is the holy grail: they are wrong. Email is over 40 years old and never looked so good.
The challenges of email marketing are still very real however, and I’ll keep up with all developments front and back: in the meantime trying to provide some insight where I can.
The future of Emailblog.eu
As for this blog: I will continue writing about several email marketing topics, including revamping the email marketing insight series and bringing you more interviews. Don’t worry, the blog train will keep on rollin’.
Thanks to all those out there who have helped me, taught me, spread the word about the blog or has done anything else: thanks. This includes the people who sent in tips for posts, the ones I interviewed and anyone else.
Love you all, and love you, email 🙂