Email news: don't use no-reply, Android testing on Litmus

Spring is here, and Easter is almost here as well: are your email campaigns ready? This time in the email marketing news: avoiding the use of no-reply addresses (I wholeheartedly agree), Litmus now includes Android testing and will Facebook destroy email (I believe not). Have a look:
Corporate news
Bronto: new whitepaper e-book called ‘Roadmap To Deploying Integrated Marketing Across The Customer Lifecycle
Email designs / webmail clients / browsers
Gmail: Fixing the little things
Campaign Monitor blog: Appstrakt by Cowboys and Indians
Email design review: Change of Address Email – Best Practice (IP Warming Campaigns)
Deliverability / (anti) spam / security Why you should not use ‘’
Bronto: CAN-SPAM vs  best practices
Magill Report:  Epsilon Breach Brings out the Stupid
Slate: Does Pfizer (the Viagra company) have special spam filters?
Marketingweek: It’s not just security email marketers need to worry about
Litmus: Android testing live
Screenwerk: Forget ’18-34′ Men, Mobile Is about Moms
Other email marketing news and posts
Bizcommunity: Do you have an email strategy?
Email critic: “Why Should I?” How To Sell Your Signups
Jaymail: 8 Steps To Better Email Copywriting
Social media vs email vs …
iMediaconnection: Golden rules of social media (video)
Technorati: Will Facebook destroy email Identifying and Engaging Influencers Where Social Media and Email Integrate
Also, follow Emailblog on Twitter for more daily email marketing bits and bytes.
To conclude with a video, here’s a great one called ‘The Break Up’ about a consumer vs advertiser. Enjoy!

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