Merge by MailChimp introduced

Merge has been released by MailChimp in the Chrome  Web Store. Merge by MailChimp makes it easy to send email directly from a Google Doc to email addresses stored in a Google Sheet. You don’t need a MailChimp account to use the app. The advantage of Merge is that you can send personalized emails to a small list (up to 1000 email addresses) which are stored in a Google Sheet.
The Merge by MailChimp app can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store here.
As the blog post on the MailChimp blog notes, Google approaced the MailChimp team to write an app which eventually led to Merge. Merge allows you to pair a Google Doc to a Google Sheet which contains email addresses and data from people you’d like to contact.
After merging the data, you can send out the email to a maximum of 1000 email addresses. Merge also shows a report on how delivery of the emails as well as the opens went down.
Merge is free to use and is meant to send email to lists from 50 to 1000 contacts.
You can read the full blog post on the Merge by MailChimp app here.

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