Return Path has posted an infographic on their blog, stating that most opens happen on mobile nowadays. The infographic further…
No Email Day today – enjoy a day without email!
Today, on 12/12/12, you can enjoy No Email Day – a campaign encouraging people to avoid email for 24 hours.…
New Yahoo! Mail webmail client launched
Yahoo! has launched their new Yahoo! Mail client today. None other than Yahoo!’s CEO Marissa Mayer announced the new Yahoo!…
MailChimp updates platform to v7.8: intros social blocks, more RSS options
MailChimp has updated their email marketing platform to v7.8, updating their recently introduced drag-and-drop editor and introducing social blocks, among…
Trustifi to receive patent for Postmarked Email
Email is used for many things nowadays, but some industries still rely on paperwork for communications. This has to do…
Checking for bad addresses: Indiemark launches BlackBox, email marketing risk management tool
Recently American email marketing company Indiemark has launched a new tool to help companies battle questionable lists. The tool is…